WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS BRAND MANAGEMENT CRITERIA Criteria for Use -Agreed August 2005 The Cairngorms National Park want the use of the brand to become synonymous as a “kite mark” of quality and positive environmental management. There is no charge for using the brand but criteria have been developed to set a standard for use. These are as follows:- Tourism Businesses seeking to use the brand must meet the following criteria:- • Membership of VisitScotland’s/ AA/ RAC star rating system or evolving Business Accreditation Scheme outlining codes of conduct agreements for businesses who do not fall within the existing quality scheme. • A commitment to achieving, within one year, at least bronze level of the Green Tourism Business Scheme (or equivalent scheme such as Green Globe 21 etc). Where there are different facets to a tourism business’ operations, the brand may only be used to market those elements of the business that are quality assured. Community/ Tourist Associations seeking to use the brand can do so, on marketing web/ literature. Use of the brand is time limited to two years, at which time re-application must be made. Associations will be encouraged to improve quality and environmental standards of their business members as by the end of two year period, they will not be re-issued with the brand unless they can demonstrate an overall improvement in quality standards of members through increasing Quality Assurance scheme membership. Associations must also use the agreed wording below on all marketing activity. The Cairngorms National Park is committed to promoting quality and environmental standards. Individual businesses displaying this logo meet these standards. (In addition for web use…”Click here to find out more about quality standards.”…we will provide you with a suitable link). Events seeking to use the brand must meet the following criteria:- • Events should be held within the Park and/ or majority of economic benefit within the Park. • Events should fit with the four main aims of the Park and the benefits of the event should be fully explained. • Event should have an environmental policy (incl environment impact assessment if required). • All relevant licensing permissions and insurance certificates must be obtained in advance of the Event. • Event organisers must have project management experience. Products of the Park the agreed criteria for non edible products are as follows:- • Membership of the VS Business Accreditation Scheme (from Feb/ Mar 06 onwards) • Product must either be made in the Park, or materials sourced from the Park and made in Scotland. • Businesses must have an environmental policy. Note: Enabling brand use to market products of the Park does not extend to use of the brand for merchandising purposes. Use of the brand for merchandise has still to be developed and agreed but will form a separate application for use. For further details, please contact Ruathy Donald on 01479 870519.